Cruciate ligament surgery success rate

In recent years, the question has increased about the success rate of cruciate ligament surgery using various modern techniques, as the cruciate ligament is an important anatomical compound in the knee that connects the femur to the shin bone.
And when the cruciate ligament is torn, the most common treatment is through surgery to rebuild the torn ligament, and with the advancement of technology and the development of surgical procedures, the cruciate ligament operation has become more successful and effective.

In this article, we will look at the success rate of the cruciate ligament operation, and does physical therapy after the cruciate ligament and cartilage surgery have a role in increasing the success rate of the operation. Follow us.

What is the success rate of cruciate ligament surgery?

Cruciate ligament surgery is one of the operations that achieves high success rates of more than 90%, but achieving these rates depends on many important factors, let us get to know them in the next paragraph.

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The most important factors affecting the success rate of cruciate ligament surgery

We also mentioned that cruciate ligament surgery is one of the most important surgeries that requires careful surgical intervention to restore the damaged ligament in the knee. The success rate of cruciate ligament surgery is affected by several factors, the most important of which are:

Surgeon experience

Choosing a skilled and highly experienced surgeon in cruciate ligament surgery procedures is one of the most important factors affecting the success rate of cruciate ligament surgery, as this operation requires precise surgical skills and deep anatomical knowledge of the knee, and therefore the patient should deal with a specialized surgeon who is certified and known for his experience in this field.

process technique

In recent years, the techniques used in cruciate ligament surgery have developed significantly, so that the operation can be performed laparoscopically, which achieves more accurate steps and achieves the desired results after a short recovery period and without any complications from the surgery.
I care about your choice of a medical center that relies on the latest technology in the process; Because this will have a significant impact on the success rate of your cruciate ligament surgery.

Knee condition before surgery

The condition of the knee and the extent of damage before the operation also plays a role in determining the success rate of the cruciate ligament surgery. Whereas, in the event of severe damage to the cruciate ligament or other knee injuries, the success rate of the operation may be directly affected.

Physiotherapy after cruciate ligament and cartilage surgery

One of the most important factors affecting the success rate of cruciate ligament surgery is following the doctor’s advice regarding physical therapy after cruciate ligament and cartilage surgery.
Post-operative physiotherapy plays a major role in the success of the operation, and good rehabilitation requires an appropriate period of time and an integrated rehabilitation program aimed at restoring strength and natural movement of the knee, enhancing stability and reducing the risk of future injury.

The patient’s commitment to the necessary instructions and practices

The success rate of cruciate ligament surgery depends not only on the doctor, but also you, dear reader, have a major role in this task. The patient’s adherence to the directions of the surgeon and physiotherapist is paramount.
The patient should follow the instructions regarding pre- and post-operative care, specific exercises, care of the injured knee and activities to be avoided.

Arthroscopic cruciate ligament surgery

These were the most important factors affecting the success rate of the cruciate ligament operation, through which we can say that your reliance on a highly experienced surgeon who is aware of the latest techniques used in the operation guarantees you achieving high success rates, as well as your following the instructions before and after the operation that guarantees you recovery And return to your normal life as soon as possible.

The importance of physical therapy after cruciate ligament and cartilage surgery

We mentioned that physiotherapy has a major role in achieving the high success rate of the cruciate ligament operation, and physiotherapy after the cruciate ligament and cartilage operation is of utmost importance in the recovery process and restoring the normal functions of the knee. Let us mention for you the most important reasons for relying on physical therapy at this stage:

  • Physiotherapy after the cruciate ligament and cartilage surgery aims to restore the normal range of motion of the injured knee, through stretching and guided movement exercises, where congestion is relieved and knee flexibility is improved, which contributes to the return of normal movement and the improvement of lost functions.
  • Physiotherapy promotes the strengthening of the muscles around the knee, including the anterior, posterior and lateral muscles.
  • Physical therapy after cruciate ligament and meniscus surgery includes techniques to reduce pain and swelling after surgery.
  • Physiotherapy improves the balance and overall stability of the knee; This helps in enhancing stability and reducing the risk of slipping or falling.
  • Physiotherapy after cruciate ligament and cartilage surgery helps to restore the functional ability of the knee, including the ability to walk, go up and down stairs, and perform daily activities normally.

In general, physiotherapy after cruciate ligament and cartilage surgery is essential to accelerate and improve the recovery process after cruciate ligament surgery. The physical rehabilitation program is designed according to the needs of each individual to ensure the restoration of lost functions. Physiotherapy must be carried out under the supervision of a qualified and specialized rehabilitation specialist to ensure obtaining Best results and avoid complications.

Physiotherapy plan after cruciate ligament and cartilage surgery

Mostly, physical therapy after cruciate ligament and cartilage surgery proceeds in several stages to achieve the required success rate of cruciate ligament surgery. Let us learn more about these stages in the coming paragraphs.

The first stage: reducing pain and swelling of the knee

In the first stage after surgery, the focus is on reducing pain and swelling in the affected area, ice and cold compresses are applied to reduce inflammation and swelling, and analgesics are also used to relieve pain.
Physiotherapy at this stage promotes the gradual improvement of the movement of the joint and the strengthening of the muscles surrounding it.

Phase 2: Restoration of range of motion and flexibility

After reducing pain and swelling in the knee, the focus is on restoring the knee’s normal range of motion and improving flexibility. Physiotherapy after cruciate ligament and meniscus surgery at this stage includes specific exercises to gradually extend and flex the knee, and the movements are determined according to the surgeon’s directions and the patient’s condition.

The third stage: muscle strengthening and stability

Once range of motion and flexibility are restored, physical therapy focuses on strengthening the muscles surrounding the knee and improving the overall stability of the joint.
This includes exercises to enhance strength, stability and balance, and the exercise programs are determined according to the patient’s needs and level of physical fitness.

Stage IV: Recovery of strength and functional ability

In this phase, the focus is on restoring strength and functionality to the injured knee.
Physiotherapy at this stage includes exercises to strengthen the major muscles and improve dynamic stability and endurance. The rehabilitation program is individually tailored to each patient according to their specific needs.

Fifth stage: advanced sports training

At this stage, the strength and functional capacity of the knee are developed through advanced athletic training.
Strength, balance and endurance exercises and sports techniques related to the patient’s specific athletic activity, such as running, jumping and lunging, are included.

Sixth stage: return to sports activity

After achieving the required strength and functional ability, the patient’s return to sports activity is organized gradually and safely.
The physiotherapist after cruciate ligament and cartilage surgery at this stage guides the patient in achieving his sporting goals and advises on the prevention of re-injury.

The seventh stage: periodic follow-up

After returning to sporting activity, continuing preventive exercise and regular follow-up is crucial.
Physiotherapy at this point aims to maintain strength and stability and reduce the risk of future injury.

In short, physiotherapy after cruciate ligament and meniscus surgery is essential to achieving full recovery and restoring normal functions to the knee.
This treatment includes a set of sequential steps aimed at reducing pain, restoring range of motion, strengthening muscles, restoring strength and functional ability, and returning to sports activity safely.

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The most important instructions to increase the success rate of cruciate ligament surgery

Pre and post cruciate ligament surgery instructions play an important role in enhancing the success of the operation and speeding up the recovery process. Here are some general instructions that may be necessary before and after surgery:

Pre-operation instructions

Before the operation, there may be some preparations that you must do, including:

  • Medical examinations. You may be required to undergo medical examinations and blood tests to ensure that you are healthy and ready for surgery.
  • Stop taking some medications before the operation, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or drugs that affect blood thinners such as aspirin.
  • Have the supplies needed to go home after surgery, such as a walker or crutches, pillows for comfort, and changing supplies on the incision.

Post-operative instructions

After the doctor is reassured about the success of the operation and before you are discharged from the hospital, the doctor will give you several tips. Remember very well that your adherence to these tips greatly affects the success rate of the cruciate ligament operation, including:

  • It is recommended to apply ice to the knee to help reduce inflammation and swelling.
  • Using crutches or a walker to assist in walking in the early days, which helps not to put body weight on the knee.
  • Take the medications prescribed by the surgeon and follow his instructions precisely.
  • The wound should be kept clean and dry and the surgeon’s directions for changing dressings should be followed.
  • Maintain a balanced and healthy diet to promote wound healing and general recovery.
  • Avoid strenuous sports activities to protect yourself from injury during the recovery period.
  • Physiotherapy sessions after cruciate ligament and cartilage surgery are a must. You will need to start exercising as soon as possible to restore knee movement and strengthen the surrounding muscles. Follow the instructions of the physiotherapist and make sure to perform the specified exercises regularly.

These are general instructions. If you want more information or inquire about a specific question, you can contact us now at Dr. Bajad Hisham Center, and we, in turn, will give you reliable advice to complete your recovery as soon as possible.
You can also follow us on the various social media pages, to see the cases that are successfully treated in cruciate ligament operations, in order to be more reassured about your choice of Dr. Bajad Hisham Center to receive the necessary medical care.


  • What are the symptoms of cruciate ligament failure?
    In a very small percentage of patients, the cruciate ligament surgery may fail, and the symptoms are increased and persistent pain for long periods, inability to control the knee and its instability.
  • When can you walk after cruciate ligament surgery?
    After the laparoscopic cruciate ligament surgery, you can walk after 12 hours, but you should not put the entire weight on the injured knee and use crutches. As for the full recovery and return to sports activity, it may take a period of 6 months to a year.

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